Die Hochschultage Ökosoziale Marktwirtschaft & Nachhaltigkeit sind Academic Partner der Future of Leadership Conference. Führungskräfte diskutieren mit jungen Talenten über Leadership, Motivation und die Bedeutung von Digitalisierung für Unternehmen. Unser Netzwerk ist mit drei Talenten dabei!


MEANING@WORK: Leadership in Times of Digitalization


What does Meaning@Work signify?
How does the perception of meaning influence organizational performance?
How does the role of meaningful leadership change in the digital world?

Meaning@Work is an essential root cause of innovation and corporate performance. Digitalization is a massive game-changer in this context, offering huge opportunities as well as pitfalls. Through interaction with an exclusive circle of senior executives and selected young talents, our FLC 2016 speakers will discuss questions such as how to synchronize organizational performance and Meaning@Work.


Where: Future of Leadership Conference 2016 at Tutzing Castle (Evangelische Akademie Tutzing) by Lake Starnberg

When:  November 23rd and 24th, 2016

Further Information: www.future-of-leadership.org